Dolphin Intelligence in the Wild:
Social interactions and communication
Our studies of the three levels of dolphin alliances have shown that Shark bay is home to the most complex animal society on the planet outside of humans. Until recently there were two key areas social intelligence that were hard to study: social behavior and communication.
Now thanks to two key technical advances we are making huge advances in both areas!! First, for decades we could listen with our single hydrophones (an underwater microphone) but not tell who was talking, because sound travels so fast underwater. Now with boat-based hydrophone arrays we can tell who is talking. The first research Stephanie King did with the array was show that each male dolphin had a unique ‘signature’ whistle, which functions like a human name. That, in turn, opened to door for playback experiments where we play back an individual’s whistles or other sounds to other dolphins to see how they react.
When a dolphin whistles it arrives at the four hydrophones at slightly different times allowing us to triangulate on the source, in this case the dolphin at the top left of the picture and not the one at the bottom.